12 December 2022 -
Written by Laspnet
Hits: 7369

OXFAM and LASPNET in partnership with Strategic Link (SL) convened a two days Annual Linking and Learning Event which was held at Country Lake Resort – Garuga, from 29th to 30th November 2022. The meeting which was anchored under the new grant project titled ‘Voice(s) Connected & Amplified: Linking & Learning Facilitation’ with the overall objective of the event was to share experiences, facilitate and enhance shared learning and promising approaches of work among grantees and rights holders.   It was attended by a total number of 44 participants including Grantees; rights holders; VOICE/OXFAM representative, external experts, Strategic Link and LASPNET facilitators.

 A Group Photo of Participants during the Annual Linking and Learning Event.

 The grantee in attendance included: Uganda National Action on Physical Disability (UNAPD), Action for Community Development (ACODEV), Center for Constitutional Governance (CCG), Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization (GWED-G), Joy Initiatives Uganda (JOYI), Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities (HUDIP), Community Volunteer Initiative for Development (COVOID) and SORAK Development Agency.

While making her opening remarks, Ms. Milly Tiwangye, the Voice Linking and Learning Focal Person and Amplification Officer at Voice Oxfam appreciated the participants for attending this year’s Annual learning event. She commended the grantees for implementing their project activities and amplifying the Voices of the rightsholders in addition to urging them to keep up with the momentum of influencing change in their communities.

Ms. Clemence Byomuhangi, a Counseling Psychologist facilitating a session on Self Care.

During the two days engagement, the grantees were able to show case their work and innovative approaches used during implementation of their projects. Some of the approaches that were highlighted by the grantees included Lobby and Advocacy, using digital online platforms, participatory approaches, establishing GBV networks among others. Similarly, the grantees also had an orientation and lengthy discussion facilitated by Ms. Joanna the Inclusive Engagement Specialist, who helped them to   appreciate Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC).

Another  session was presented on Self-care by Ms. Clemence Byomuhangi focusing on stress and stress management at work places as well as the usage of the Mindfulness Portable Calm Tool which supports those working at the frontline of stressful jobs to deal with stress and trauma; and finally a speed dating session was facilitated by Ms. Dorothy Babirye the digital Specialist and Namirimu Joanna the Inclusive Engagement Specialist, where grantees had an opportunity for a one on one interaction aimed at exploring areas of mutual support and collaboration.

Dr. Sylvia Namubiru Mukasa giving her closing remarks during the Annual Learning Event.

In her closing remarks, the Chief Executive Officer of LASPNET, Dr. Sylvia Namubiru Mukasa commended VOICE-OXFAM for funding LASPNET and Strategic Link to implement the Voice Linking and Learning project.  She called upon the grantees to utilize and take forward the information and knowledge garnered during the two days experience sharing and interaction so as to be able to effectively implement their respective projects.  “This project is the heart and soul of Voice projects which includes the principles of not leaving no one behind (rights holders); nothing is about us without us and putting the furthest behind first and these should be put in action.” she emphasized to the participants.

In her concluding remarks, she reminded the participants that the current dispensation of operating environment is characterized by increasing human rights violations and shrinking civic space especially for the most vulnerable and poor amongst us and hence the need to step up a bit our strategies and responses. “We should desist from being passive observes and be more of proactive and strategic actors. We have to be deliberate and intentional if we have to address the increasing abuses reinforcing vulnerabilities among our communities” she emphasized.

In conclusion, the annual linking and learning event strengthened networking and opportunities for collaboration amongst the voice grantees and their rightsholders as a result of sharing their learnings, experiences, challenges and promising approaches of work which are key in moving their projects forward.

Compiled by

Mawanda Hakim

Project Coordinator Voice Linking & Learning