Launch of the UNODC project on Criminal Justice in Kakumiro and Kibale

19 December 2023 -
Written by Laspnet
Hits: 5493

LASPNET under its flagship programme of strengthening crime prevention and drug abuse which is a programme funded by United Nation Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on 18th and 19th of December 2023 conducted Inception Meetings at Kakumiro and Kibaale district town halls respectively

 A photo moment of all participants at the town hall of Kibaale district on 19th December 2023 during the UNODC inception meetings.

These meetings were attended by members across different sectors like the district leadership, Civil Society, the police, prisons, religious leaders, members of the public among others.

The Chief Executive officer in her maiden speech commended all the two districts for having welcomed LASPNET and reiterated the fact that she was impressed by the way, these districts were quick to embrace the programme.

She explained that the initiative was intended to bring justice closer to the people of Kakumiro and Kibaale districts and hence underscored the need to reduce the culture of recievism and embrace attitude change. 

The meetings were attended by key stakeholders including; RDCs of both districts, LCV chairpersons with their district leaderships, Police and Prisons representatives and Representatives from the National steering committee among others graced the event.

 The Deputy Chairperson of Kakumiro Ms. Grace Batarigaya together with her boss Mr. Sentayi Joseph LCV chairperson (on left) and Rtd. Major David Matovu (on right) – RDC of Kakumiro launching UNODC Programme in Kakumiro District. 

The speakers in their remarks uploaded the project and appreciated the funders as well as the Network for the consideration. In his remarks, Mr. Erisu Enos, the Deputy CAO in his remarks stated that Organizations like LASPNET fill in the gap where local government could have missed out and went on to comment that Projects like UNODC Programme, address challenges/ gaps that Local Governments face unable to address due to unavailability of resources.

Relatedly, Mr. Batekege Jared, the Deputy LC5 of Kibaale District expressed gratitude to LASPNET and its partners for choosing Kibaale district to benefit from the Cost-effective Legal Aid model, noting that Kibaale is one of the districts in Bunyoro Sub region with enormous access to justice challenges stemming from absence of a LASP; one judicial officer; domestic violence cases exacerbated by ignorance of the law among the population and many other issues.

The event was crowned off with a launch and signing of MOUs with the District Local Government officials who pledged maximum cooperation to ensure the UNODC Programme finds a smooth operation on the ground including the fact that they offered office space for LASPNET and its implementing LASPs to use while coordinating the project activities