Our Mandate

To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonisation and standardisation of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favourable legal and policy environment.

Board members

This section presents the board members which the LASPNET has had over the years since its inception. In the earlier years (2004 to 2010)  when the network had a few members, the board comprised of only the chairperson, Treasurer and a member to represent the member organizations.

In the subsequent years, the members were elected according to the Constitution governing the network then and up until there is a board of directors as you will discover in the categories.




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Contact Us

  • Plot 10, Block 75 Balintuma Road, Mengo.
    P.O. Box 8488, Kampala-Uganda
  • Tel: +256(0)393513733 
  • secretariat@laspnet.orgThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.