Development Partners

ICNL project documents

Internal Policies
Our Institutional Policies are meant to provide a comprehensive description of LASPNET’s strategic work mechanisms and procedures that guide the organizations operating systems. They guide all staff, organs and members involved in the day to day running of the Network. They also are intended to provide the checks and balances expected to enhance confidence of members, donors and other stakeholders of LASPNET in its various undertakings.

Legal Aid Materials
We share with you important legal aid resources such as legal aid systems, legal advice resources, standards etc. These are publications from international sources, insights into the regional and continental practices, which we could bench mark from to make legal aid a better aspect for the indigent person as well as the service providers.

Policy Documents
The absence of a national legal aid body to provide free legal advice and assistance to indigent and vulnerable people in Uganda, and representation where the interests of justice require is a gaping omission. Despite the good work done by public and private legal aid providers there is an urgent need to introduce legislation and to establish a body that can devote itself full-time to the provision of access to justice and legal aid to all indigent people in Uganda – particularly those in peri - urban and rural areas. The proposed policy addresses the above mentioned gaps and recommends legislation for improved legal aid service provision for both criminal and civil matters by lawyers and non lawyers. The operational words guiding this policy are contained in the first recommendation as you will read.

We share with you our different publications in this Category. The different Publications you will find here include the Legal Aid Service Providers Directory, the first edition to be produced by LASPNET and launched at the 2nd National Legal Aid Conference; different Newsletters which the network produces on a bi-annual basis as well as those of our members and partners; you will also find the LASPNET Membership Charter which requires Members to recognise their obligations in supporting and committing themselves to LASPNET’s core values. Under publications you will also find other important publications of importance for your information

Published newspaper articles
Published News Articles

This category includes Research and Study reports, Mid-Term Review Reports, Annual Reports, Baseline Reports, Workshop reports and other reports.
These reports are a consolidated work and efforts of the Secretariat, the membership, partners, consultants and the entire stakeholders. They are weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, and annual reports which the network embarks on in its operations.