We share with you our different publications in this Category. The different Publications you will find here include the Legal Aid Service Providers Directory, the first edition to be produced by LASPNET and launched at the 2nd National Legal Aid Conference; different Newsletters which the network produces on a bi-annual basis as well as those of our members and partners; you will also find the LASPNET Membership Charter which requires Members to recognise their obligations in supporting and committing themselves to LASPNET’s core values. Under publications you will also find other important publications of importance for your information

Directory for Non-State Legal Aid Service Providers
This third edition of the Non-state Legal Aid service providers lists all the known LASPs in Uganda that offer legal advice or representation by a lawyer, an advocate or a paralegal to indigent or vulnerable persons.
However not all the organizations listed in this directory are accredited by the Law Council but they are generally registered in Uganda as Non Governmental Organizations providing at least one of the following services to indigent persons: Legal advice, representation in court or tribunal in civil, constitutional or criminal matters, mediation, negotiation or arbitration and legal education or awareness.

Membership Charter
The membership charter requires Members to recognise their obligations in supporting and committing themselves to LASPNET’s core values. It further tasks the Secretariat to ensure that it meets the member expectations.
This document addresses the ways in which member organisations to the Network are expected to conduct themselves so as to bring into practice its vision, mission and objectives.

In its efforts to enhance Justice for the poor, LASPNET embarks on a number of activities which are recorded bi-annually in a news letter, " The Network". This publication profiles the achievements, milestones, challenges and upcoming activities among others which the network has embarked on in the period and it is our concerted effort to share with you these publications
We also do receive newsletters from our partners and individual member organization on their various organizational achievements. We welcome all contributions from the wider stakeholders especially on matters concerning access to justice.

Other publications
Other Publications
