Membership Termination
- 01 July 2014 -
- Written by Developer
- Hits: 9426

(a) Any member may voluntarily resign its membership of the Network.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 7(a) of this Article, ordinary, associate or honorary membership of LASPNET may be terminated by the Board of Directors, with the approval of the General Assembly, on the following grounds:
(i) If the member organization ceases to operate within the criteria that qualified it for membership;
(ii) If the member organization has no physical address/office where it can be contacted and conduct its business for a continuous period of six months;
(iii) If the member organization fails to meet its membership obligations for a period of twelve months;
(i) If the member organization conducts its business contrary to any policy guidelines or codes of conduct adopted by the General Assembly;
(ii) If the member is involved in unethical or illegal activities that tarnish the image or credibility of the Network;
(c) The Board shall on learning of conduct of a member that would constitute a ground for dismissal, give notice to such member requiring it to appear and explain themselves to the Board.
(d) The Board shall, where no satisfactory explanation is given, recommend to the General Assembly or Extra Ordinary General Meeting that the member be suspended or dismissed from the Network.
(e) Membership of LASPNET shall not be terminated unless two-thirds of the members present and voting at a General Assembly or Extra Ordinary General Meeting endorse the' decision.
(f) A member whose membership has been terminated· shall remain liable to pay all debts or sums due to the Network at the time of termination.