Policy Documents

The absence of a national legal aid body to provide free legal advice and assistance to indigent and vulnerable people in Uganda, and representation where the interests of justice require is a gaping omission. Despite the good work done by public and private legal aid providers there is an urgent need to introduce legislation and to establish a body that can devote itself full-time to the provision of access to justice and legal aid to all indigent people in Uganda – particularly those in peri - urban and rural areas. The proposed policy addresses the above mentioned gaps and recommends legislation for improved legal aid service provision for both criminal and civil matters by lawyers and non lawyers. The operational words guiding this policy are contained in the first recommendation as you will read.

National Policies
The Government of Uganda has developed a number of policies over the past years to guide decisions and achieve rationale outcomes. Even more are policies in the line of access to justice for the indigent, many of which inform the activities and campaigns of our member organizations. We therefore share with you some of these policies, which are relevant to the enhancement of access to justice for the indigent.