
This category includes Research and Study reports, Mid-Term Review Reports, Annual Reports, Baseline Reports, Workshop reports and other reports.
These reports are a consolidated work and efforts of the Secretariat, the membership, partners, consultants and the entire stakeholders. They are weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, and annual reports which the network embarks on in its operations.

Research and Study Reports
One of LASPNET's programms is research and advocacy. A number of research reports have been developed and continue to be developed by the membership, the LASPNET secretariat, as well as partnerships in their different categories. LASPNET shares with you the reports on this page.

Annual Reports
LASPNET has embarked on a number of activities in the past to provide basis for strengthening coordination among legal aid service providers (LASPs) in Uganda in order to harness and sustain institutional synergies which support their capacity in complementing Government’s efforts for enhancing access to justice. These activities are reported annually and profiled in an annual report for each reporting period. We also receive member annual reports which we now share with you below.

Baseline reports
LASPNET conducts and continues to conduct baseline studies with the view of undertaking litigation relevant to the protection of the vulnerable members of society. This involves reviewing the major legal framework on legal aid and strategic impact litigation and most importantly understanding the work of the various key actors in the sector.It is our hope that these surveys will guide our future work and interventions and also help to identify opportunities for collaboration on existing initiatives.

Mid-term Review reports
LASPNET conducts reviews with the help of consultants to assess the progress of the ”Coordination of Legal Aid Service Providers Project. The activity seeks to provide strategic linkages and a collaboration framework for Legal Aid Service Providers (LASPs) and support a common front to interface with JLOS. The reviews are conducted to analyse progress of the Network and come up with emerging issues and to enhance performance of the organization and inform future interventions by DGF and LASPNET

Other reports
To be uploaded soon

Laspnet Presentations

Workshop reports
LASPNET holds a number of workshops both internally and externally on matters of access to justice. Internally we organize workshops for members as well as partners and stakeholders on a number of activities. Externally we are invited to partner/ member workshops from which we generate reports for sharing with the wider stakeholders. We share with you these reports here in.