Our Mandate

To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonisation and standardisation of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favourable legal and policy environment.

Members Validate Two Key Researches

On 28th and 29th October 2015, LASPNET held two meetings at Piato Restaurant in Kampala where members received two researches for validation.


LASPNET Launches Access to Justice Manifesto ahead of 2016 Elections

In a bid to propel issues of access to justice onto the agendas for 2016 electoral candidates, LASPNET launched an “Access to Justice Manifesto” at a conference held on 22nd October 2015 at the Kampala Serena Hotel. It preceded the 6th Annual General Meeting for the Network.


LASPNET 6th AGM Held at Kampala Serena Hotel

  Members of the Legal Aid Service Providers Network converged at Kampala Serena Hotel on 23rd October 2015 for their 6th Annual General Meeting. The meeting sought to review progress achieved in the period July 2014 to June 2015 and set the pace for the activities in July 2015 to June 2016.


More Articles...

  • 21 September , 2015
    On 17th September 2015, LASPNET met with a team from Role UK which is conducting research into areas prioritized for development in the rule of law space in Uganda and to identify Ugandan project partners they may be able to work with. The team consisted of Nigel Priestly, Ranjit Uppal and Charlotte Cracombe. The LASPNET team consisted of Ms.Sylvia Namubiru Mukasa, the Executive Director, and Ms.Berna Bakidde Kiberu, the Programmes Manager.  
  • 21 September , 2015
    On 9th till 11th September 2015, LASPNET held a three day residential training for all staff at Esella Country Hotel in Najeera. The training which was facilitated by Mr.Godfrey Bwanika from Uganda Management Institute was aimed at equipping staff with the latest skills needed to propel the activities of the Secretariat forward and serve members more efficiently and effectively.  

Strategic partners


The Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) is a national member NGO established in 2004 to provide strategic linkages and a collaboration framework for the Legal Aid Service Providers and maintain a common front to interface with various actors in the Justice, Law and Order Sector in Uganda. It targets three critical aspects of coordination: a collective role bringing together different LASPs for solidarity in strategizing, sharing lessons and experiences, while minimizing duplication; capacitating them through collaborative research and analysis ; as well as documenting, providing needed feedback, and amplifying voice on key issues regarding access to justice/legal aid at regional, national or international level.

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  • Plot 10, Block 75 Balintuma Road, Mengo.
    P.O. Box 8488, Kampala-Uganda
  • Tel: +256(0)393513733 
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