Engagement with Uganda Law Society
- 21 September 2013 -
- Developer
- Hits: 6209
Salient issues from the Gender Audit Report
- 21 September 2013 -
- Developer
- Hits: 4819
To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonisation and standardisation of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favourable legal and policy environment.
The Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) is a national member NGO established in 2004 to provide strategic linkages and a collaboration framework for the Legal Aid Service Providers and maintain a common front to interface with various actors in the Justice, Law and Order Sector in Uganda. It targets three critical aspects of coordination: a collective role bringing together different LASPs for solidarity in strategizing, sharing lessons and experiences, while minimizing duplication; capacitating them through collaborative research and analysis ; as well as documenting, providing needed feedback, and amplifying voice on key issues regarding access to justice/legal aid at regional, national or international level.