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JLOS Strategic Investment Plan II 2006/7-2010/11

The Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) is a reform process ongoing across theentire justice sector through a sector wide approach (SWAp) since 2000 to address the systemic weaknesses in the justice system that were compounded by lack of a clear policy framework for all the justice agencies to deliver quality justice efficiently and effectively. The sector maintained a long term perspective to the process of reform by adopting a Second Strategic Investment Plan(SIP II) in August 2006 for the period 2006/2007 to2010/2011. The Plan,which incorporates prioritised and costed interventions, will enable the Sector to continue the reforms that were implemented under the first Strategic Investment Plan.

In developing the SIP II, the sector adopted a Government-led and participatory process. Consultations were held with all key stakeholders within and outside the Sector through a series of interviews, meetings, focus group discussions and workshops at regional and national level.  The external stakeholders consulted included other sectors of Government, statutory bodies, civil society organizations, the private sector and development partners.
The SIP, II was built on the processes and lessons that the sector learnt during the implementation of its first Plan. In this sense,the SIP II consolidates and builds upon the first Plan by strengthening its strategies and addressing weaknesses identified during the Mid Term Evaluation. The sector also took into account the national framework within which the JLOS must feed into and contribute. The reason to continue the reforms were still based on the need to meet the set minimum standards in international human rights treaties that Uganda has ratified and the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda for an efficient and effective justice system. It was also premised on the recognition that a justice system ensures safety of the person and security  of property, which are vital and necessary to provide an enabling environment for productive activity, investment and competitiveness; and hence poverty reduction and economic development.

The JLOS comprises ten institutions that discharge their mandates in an independent way. These mandates cover law and order aspects, as well as justice specific issues. The planning process for SIP II considered the multi–dimensional and multi–institutional nature of justice for which consensus had to be built on common values and acommon policy framework. To achieve this, a Task Force including the JLOS Secretariat and representatives of the JLOSTechnical Committee, with the assistance of a consultant facilitated discussions and negotiations that resulted into ownership of the process and commitment to implement the reforms. As a reform programme, the sector consultations and discussion aimed at identifying areas and strategies for reform over routine delivery of service. The challenge of a
widened focus for the reform with limited human and financial resource required the sector to seek solutions in innovative and cost effective approaches to addresses the weaknesses in the system, and which would demonstrate results for the benefit of
the people. The Plan provides the JLOS a unified policy and planning framework and strategy for reform to ensure that all the institutions operate in a coordinated manner, using common approaches towards a shared goalunder the leadership of the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

File name JLOS SIP II.pdf File Size 1.09 Megabytes File Type pdf (application/pdf) Created Date Thursday, 21 August 2014 Owner Laspnet Modified Date Friday, 12 September 2014

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