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To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonisation and standardisation of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favourable legal and policy environment.

LASPS Validate 5 modules of the upgraded IIMS

The Integrated information Management System popularly known by legal aid service providers as IIMS has been continuously updated to make it more responsive and adaptive to the different needs of the members.  On the 5th April 2017 selected LASPNET members met at Piato Restaurant in Kampala to validate the new functionalities/modules added onto the system which is already being utilized to ease case referral and reporting.

 The new modules that were validated included; a Web and mobile Social Application module where users of the IIMS, clients and the public converse and connect with one another through their mobile phones/tablets, using computer browsers and any browser based device; the Means and Merit Assessment Test (MMT) which helps assess the eligibility and credibility of an individual seeking for legal aid, it assesses vulnerability, poverty and marginalization of a client seeking legal aid services; Clients Referral Module which acts as a pathway of referring a client from one LASP to another. This module has been coupled with the GIS Module which shows the locations of the nearest LASP and Justice Law and order sector institutions. Lastly, the Offline (Desktop) module which is a secondary application to the IIMS that synchronizes data with the online application when an internet connection is detected on the computer where the application is installed. All modules were validated with amendments.

The meeting was opened by the Executive Director of LASPNET, Ms. Sylvia Namubiru Mukasa who emphasized that the IIMS is intended to strengthen collection of data, utilization, analyzing trends in the cases LASPs take on and reporting. She noted the importance of the system through its functions that improve the manner in which services are delivered to the people.  While concluding her remarks, she requested and encouraged members to use, embrace and popularize the IIMS system to ease their work and applauded DGF for heavily investing in the system with the aim of enhancing legal aid accessibility by the indigent.

The validation process was participatory and it took the form of scrutiny of each module with comments, interjections, amendments, corrections and repeals. These efforts are LASPNET’s way of being part of the solution to improve service delivery in legal aid service provision as opposed to lamentation.

Mr. Paul Kavuma, the LASPNET Board Member on Merit who closed the event, appreciated the participants, the Consultants and the Secretariat team for ensuring that the validation process concludes successfully. He noted that the IIMS system was the most funded project of LASPNET and that the DGF was looking forward to its utilization by all members of the Network and Leap Partners. He further committed that the Consultants would incorporate the comments and suggestions from the meeting in order to have an accommodative, responsive and user friendly system.

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