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HiiL Press Release: Call for Justice Innovations



Contact: Connor Sattely

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                                                                                        
Press Release
Issued: 6 March 2017

HiiL offers up to 20,000 EUR plus business support for justice innovators

Innovators working on justice and legal issues worldwide can apply for up to 20,000 EUR in equity-free
grant money as part of the HiiL Justice Accelerator’s Innovating Justice Challenge.


The Call for Applications, which opened March 1 and remains open until June 30, encourages two types of
application: first, startups with an idea and team may apply for funding in the Call for Innovations; second,
individuals without a team or idea can apply for the Call for Talent.

The Call for Innovations has, over the last five years, awarded funding to over 60 innovative justice/legal
technologies from all over the world. It is open to applicants with both a team and justice innovation idea.

The Call for Talent is a search for individuals with a particular skill that they wish to apply to the cause of
justice innovation. Up to 10 individuals will be selected and supported through innovation training, some
travel to local events, support for their ideas, and future support.

Ten justice innovations will win training, up to 20k EUR in
equity-free funding, access to a mentor network, and potential
future funding.

Applications are particularly encouraged that address six main pain points of justice: employment justice,
family justice, neighbor disputes, land disputes, crime and law enforcement, and migration/human
trafficking. Applications are also welcome from other areas.

The Call for Innovations is primarily focused on Africa, the Middle East, the Netherlands, and Ukraine.
Innovators in The Netherlands, Ukraine, Tunisia, and Uganda are particularly encouraged to apply as these
are countries in which HiiL’s Justice Needs and Satisfaction Surveys have been carried out.

The criteria for selection include: innovations must be strictly justice related, and present viable routes to
sustainability, scalability, and the ability to create social impact in their communities in providing access to
justice. The innovations should provide a unique idea that does not already exist in a particular region.

To submit an application, innovators and individuals should visit https://innovatingjustice.com/en/ apply. The
Call for Application closes at 16:59 Central European Time on 30th June 2017.

About HiiL. HiiL (Hague Institute for Innovation of Law) is a not-for-profit institution based in The Hague,
International City of Peace and Justice. We are driven to make justice work for people through new technologies,
cutting edge knowledge on conflict resolution, and new forms of organisation and governance. We partner with NGOs, governments and legal entrepreneurs to improve rulemaking and conflict resolution processes. Guided by the belief that justice should be accessible to everyone, we work to increase access to justice and enhance the rule of law.
CONTACT: Connor Sattely, Business Acceleration Agent / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.









In the way that justice is synonymous with fairness, justice can refer to a broad range of issues. Within this broad range of issues, the HiiL Justice. Accelerator is focused on a particular aspect of justice: the legal element.

We specifically search for innovations that create rights awareness, provide access to legal services or dispute resolution and improve efficiency and transparency in the existing legal system.

In 2017 we are focusing on six pain points present in many justice systems around the world:


                                                                                                    LAND & PROPERTY RIGHTS         CRIME & LAW ENFORCEMENT       NEIGHBOURING DISPUTES



 Applications are also welcome for innovations not specifically addressing any of these pain points but still addressing a justice need in their community.



APPLY BY 30 JUNE 2017 at www.innovatingjustice.com!


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