- 28 April 2017 -
- Written by Laspnet
- Hits: 2759
The Uganda Law Society has today (Wednesday 26th April 2017) launched the Coalition in Support of the Independence of the Judiciary. This coalition is made up of 7 members including; Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI),Legal Aid Service Provider’s Network (LASPNET),Center for Public Interest Law(CEPIL), Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU), Chapter Four Uganda and the Uganda Association of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Uganda). Coalition members who were represented by their respective Executive Directors signed the MOU today at Sheraton Hotel, witnessed by the H.W Paul Gadenya, Chief Registrar-Courts of Judicature.
Speaking during the launch, H.W Gadenya welcomed the initiative noting that one way of strengthening good governance and democracy in Uganda was by having a strong and independent Judiciary. He remarked that the Judiciary had been in-ward looking for long and it was time to build a people centered institution that is respected by all. “We cannot reform by talking to ourselves but by listening to external opinions and embracing criticisms and useful ideas from the outside”, he went on to say.
He urged the Coalition to develop a score card for the Judiciary since what they provide is a public good and therefore they should be rated and guided on better performance in the future. Mr. Gadenya added that the Judiciary can only be successful it operated as a business so as to meet the changing needs of society. He finally called for support from all Coalition members and requested them to use their platforms to help the Judiciary ensure the protection of basic fundamental rights and freedoms.
According to Mr. Francis Gimara, the President-Uganda Law Society, the coalition will among other things do the following:
- Watch the appointment process of the Judiciary through regular engagement with the Judicial Service Commission to highlighted the need to discipline errant Judicial Officers
- Ensure Judicial Accountability
- Combating Judicial Corruption
- Advocate and advise on the necessary policy and legal reforms in the Judiciary
- Lobby for increased resourcing of the Judiciary as a third arm of government.