Our Mandate

To strengthen coordination and networking of LASPs, harmonisation and standardisation of legal aid service provision by the different service providers, lobbying and advocacy to facilitate a favourable legal and policy environment.


Human Rights Focus(HURIFO) notes with grave concern the continuing wave of insecurity that has so far claimed lives and left score of people with serious injuries in and around big farms such as in Karatye, obira west, Alingiri and Lii in Nwoya districtand Apaa again in Amuru district. The insecurity manifest in continuous arrests,
torture, arsons, and sometimes killing by some UPDF soldiers, individual wealthier people guarded by police or army.
A case in point involved a 66year old Jathim, Pyrino Akwanga of Obira East Village, Latoro parish, Got Apwoyo Sub county Nwoya district who has lived in the area since1970s.



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    P.O. Box 8488, Kampala-Uganda
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