- 06 November 2018 -
- Written by Laspnet
- Hits: 3177
On 26th October 2018, LASPNET members convened at Hotel Africana for the 9th Annual General Assembly (AGM) of the Network. This was an electoral AGM that saw a new Board of Directors ushered in to serve for the next two years (2018-2020). The AGM is the highest policy making organ of the Network that discusses and recommends issues for implementation by the Board of Directors. It was attended by 64 participants (26 male and 38 female) with representation from 30 organizations
On 26th October 2018, LASPNET members convened at Hotel Africana for the 9th Annual General Assembly (AGM) of the Network. This was an electoral AGM that saw a new Board of Directors ushered in to serve for the next two years (2018-2020). The AGM is the highest policy making organ of the Network that discusses and recommends issues for implementation by the Board of Directors. It was attended by 64 participants (26 male and 38 female) with representation from 30 organizations.
Prior to the elections, key reports which included: minutes of the 8th AGM; the Chairperson’s report; annual report; membership report; treasurer’s report and audited books of account were presented, discussed and approved by the members.
In addition, two motions which included one on confirmation of new members and individual applicants and another on confirmation of new auditors were also presented for approval. Two new organizations, Human Rights Center Uganda (HRCU) and the African Prisons Project (APP) were confirmed as members and they received their certificates of membership.
While receiving the certificate on behalf of HRCU, Ms. Margaret Sekaggya, the Executive Director expressed her gratitude at her organization being accorded the opportunity to join LASPNET and said she looked forward to working closely with other legal aid service providers to advance access to justice. Ms. Sharon Twikirize from APP noted that the organization (APP) was very young and hoped to share knowledge and best practices from other LASPs
Different individuals including, Hon. Justice Duncan Gaswaga, Head of the Execution Division of the High Court, Mr. Aaron Besigye, National Coordinator Justice Centers Uganda and Mr. George Mutabaazi, President Uganda Local Governments Association and LCV Chairperson Lwengo district were confirmed as honorary members of the Network. On the other hand, Kisaka and Co. Advocates were confirmed as the new external auditors for the Network
The elections were presided over by Mr. Aaron Besigye, the National Coordinator Justice centers Uganda who was nominated by members as the Returning Officer supported by Ms. Nassim Nakabugo from the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative as Secretary. The only competitive position was that of Board Chairperson, while the rest were unopposed. All candidates were apportioned a few minutes to share their expression of interest and reasons for seeking a seat on the board.
The elected board includes:
Ms. Sandra Oryema, Legal Aid Manager at the Public Interest Law Clinic (PILAC) who was elected to the position of Chairperson. Previously Ms. Oryema served as Vice Chairperson a position she held for 2 years.
Mr. Vincent Mutonerwa, the Ag. Executive Director Uganda Christian Lawyers Fraternity(UCLF) elected as Vice Chairperson and serving on Board for the first time.
Ms. Sheila Nabachwa Muwanga, the Deputy Director (Programs) at the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI) elected to the position of General Secretary, also a new comer although quite familiar with Board management affairs having served on over four boards in the past 5 years.
Mr. Anthony Mutimba, Director Finance and Operations, Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) elected as Treasurer. He has served on the LASPNET Board in the same position for four years. Since there was no contestant for the position of Treasurer, Mr. Mutimba’s tenure was extended until the first sitting of the new board.
Ms. Sharon Twikirize, the Human Rights Manager, African Prisons Project (APP) is the Central Region Representative while Mr. Franco Barekensi from the Legal Aid Clinic of Uganda Law Society, Mbarara is the Western Region Representative. Ms. Kwirize and Mr. Barekensi are also new to the LASPNET Board.
Mr. Francis Odongyoo, the Executive Director of Human Rights Focus Uganda(HURIFO) based in Gulu was re-elected Northern Region Representative whereas Mr. Joseph Mwase the Chairperson for the Kamuli Community Based Paralegals Association (KCOBPA) was re-elected as Eastern Region Representative. The duo has served in similar positions on the LASPNET Board from 2016 till 2018.
The meeting was also used as an opportunity to honor the outgoing Board of Directors with plaques of appreciation for their distinguished service for the period 2016 to 2018. In a bid to motivate members that actively engage in the Network activities, FIDA-U was awarded with a plaque of appreciation as the most outstanding member to participate in LASPNET programmes while UCLF was awarded as the best at utilizing the IIMS. The awards were presented to them by Hon. Justice Remmy Kasule, Chairperson of the Uganda Law Council and an honorary member of LASPNET. He applauded the members for their service and urged them to continue supporting the Network through offering guidance to the new team.
At the same event, four organizations received servers to ease their utilization of the LASPNET IIMS and improve on their reporting. These were: African Prisons Project, FIDA-Arua branch, Africa Foundation for Community Development and World Voices Uganda.
In her closing remarks, Ms. Sandra Oryema, the new Chairperson Board of Directors appreciated members for their votes and pledged together with the new team to serve in furtherance of the Network’s mandate. She commended her competitor for the Board Chairperson position Ms. Asha Mwanga Mastullah of Islamic Women’s Initiative for Justice Law and Peace (IWILAP) for being a formidable opponent.