Refugee Law Project - RLP
- Written by Laspnet
- Hits: 6179
RLP seeks to empower asylum seekers, refugees, deportees, IDPs and host communities in Uganda to enjoy their human
rights and lead dignified lives.
Its vision is that all people in Uganda enjoy their human rights, irrespective of their legal status. This vision is supported
by relevant international laws as well as the Constitution of Uganda.
» Values
• Independence
• Innovation
• Respect
• Professionalism
• Accountability and Non-discrimination
» Objectives
1. To promote the protection, well being and dignity of forced migrants and their hosts
2. To provide free legal assistance to the refugee population in uganda.
3. To provide psychosocial support to the clients.
» Target Beneficiaries
Asylum seekers and refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and deportees
» Laspnet Membership Cluster
Transitional justice
Geographical Coverage
Gulu, Kitgum,
Mbarara, Hoima
» Area(s) of Work / Focus
• Forced migration– conflict,
• Governance
• Gender and sexuality mental health
• Psychosocial wellbeing
» Summary of Activities
Legal aid and counselling,: the clinic provides free legal assistance to refugees, psychosocial support, pushes
for reform of existing law, field visits and community outreach, research and advocacy, education and training.
Plot 5, 7 & 9 Perryman Gardens,
Old Kampala (Opposite Old Kampala Primary School)
P.O. Box 33903 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414-235330/ 343556 | Fax:+256 (0) 414 346 491
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