Schedules for Upcoming Activities
- 23 September 2014 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 11634
Training of Trainers for LASPs and Journalists on Freedom of Expression 5th-6th March
Bi-annual Breakfast Meetings for Bailiffs, Advocates and Legal Aid Managers 14th March
A Training of LASPs on Lobby and Advocacy to promote Legal Aid, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Access to Justice 25th March
Validation of the Action Research on SDG 16 27th March
Validation of Research on cost Effective sustainable Legal Aid models 20th March
FIDA holds Annual General Meeting
- 15 September 2014 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 4984
The FIDA Annual General Meeting was held at Hotel Africana and was attended by some active senior members such as The Chief Guest Hon. The retired Deputy Chief Justice Lady Justice Leticia Kikonyogo, Hon Dr. Miria Matembe, Lady Justice Hon. Dr. Winifred Nabisinde, the CEO, Hon Irene Ovonji Odida, among others.The meeting was also graced by the Secretary General of Uganda Law reform Commission Mr Aliro Omara.
Amuru district: 300 land disputes in one week
- 02 September 2014 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 5237
AMURU - Over 300 land disputes have been recorded in the northern Uganda district of Amuru during a five-day free legal service Clinic.
Berna Bakkidde, the programs manager of the Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET), said approximately 60 cases were being registered on a daily basis during the five-day exercise.The cases were registered in four sub-counties of Amuru, Atiak, Pobo and Lamogi in Amuru district recently.
The International Day of Democracy- Engaging Young People on Democracy
- 15 September 2014 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 3755
Democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives.
While democracies share common features, there is no single model of democracy. Activities carried out by the United Nations in support of efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate democracy are undertaken in accordance with the UN Charter, and only at the specific request of the Member States concerned.
Gov’t told to implement national land policy
- 28 August 2014 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 3826
CIVIL society organizations have called for the implementation of a National Land Policy to empower local women gain access to land.“Women are still held back by cultural norms, poverty, wars and low levels of sensitization as a result they have failed to achieve their full potential,” the Program Manager of Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET), Berna Bakidde said. She said women, more especially in areas of customary land tenure system continue to face discrimination which has affected the country’s agricultural production.
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28 August , 2014 AMURU -The locals in the northern Uganda district of Amuru district in Uganda have vowed to fight land grabbers who evict vulnerable people from their land illegally. The district chairperson Anthony Atubo, who led the residents, said land is life and nobody can live comfortably without it.“Land is a major factor in the wellbeing of people, but unscrupulous developers are forcefully grabbing land from locals using their powerful positions,” he said.
27 August , 2014
LASPNET held the 2nd national legal aid conference in June 2014, in which it was revealed that Government will modify the Constitution (amendment) Act 2005. The participants identified a need for constitutional provisions to ensure that every person receives legal advice and assistance, as well as court representation - where the interests of justice so require.
26 August , 2014
His Excellency the President of Uganda, while speaking at this year’s Labour Day celebrations in Ntungamo district expressed readiness to discuss the need for a minimum wage based on research.A minimum wage is the lowest hourly daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. The minimum wage is intended to enable the work afford the basic necessities of life such as shelter, food and health care.
21 August , 2014
The Legal Aid Service Providers’ Network (LASPNET), and Action Aid Uganda, on Tuesday 19th August, launched the free legal service open week in Acholi region with the objective of bringing legal services closer to people in Acholi region to enhance justice.