- 28 April 2017 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 2759
The Uganda Law Society has today (Wednesday 26th April 2017) launched the Coalition in Support of the Independence of the Judiciary. This coalition is made up of 7 members including; Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI),Legal Aid Service Provider’s Network (LASPNET),Center for Public Interest Law(CEPIL), Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU), Chapter Four Uganda and the Uganda Association of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Uganda). Coalition members who were represented by their respective Executive Directors signed the MOU today at Sheraton Hotel, witnessed by the H.W Paul Gadenya, Chief Registrar-Courts of Judicature.
- 26 April 2017 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 2979
In a bid to identify, develop and expand areas of cooperation for the attainment of social justice formarginalized Ugandans through legal aid service provision, LASPNET has signed a memorandum of Understanding with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC). The MOU signed today 25th April 2017 will see both institutions jointly conduct activities aimed at furthering the fulfillment of each other’s mandates. Such activities will include; legal awareness and sensitization, popularizing the mandates of both institutions, case referrals, representing applicants at EOC tribunal sessions, joint lobbying and advocacy for improved legal and policy framework, among others.
Press release: Respect freedoms, End worrying spate of intimidations, kidnaps and Detentions.
- 19 April 2017 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 3391
For Immediate Release Uganda: Respect freedoms, end worrying spate of intimidations, kidnaps and detentions (Kampala / April 12, 2017) – The Ugandan government must guarantee Dr. Stella Nyanzi, an academic and vocal social media critic a fair trial and respect of due process and court orders during her trial, the National Coalition of Human Rights defenders – Uganda (NCHRD-U) and the undersigned organisations said today. These organisations further condemned the kidnap and torture of NTV journalist Gertrude Uwitware by unknown assailants; commend the police for taking action to ensure her safe return and further urge for thorough investigations to bring her abductors to justice.
HiiL Press Release: Call for Justice Innovations
- 20 April 2017 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 4332
Contact: Connor Sattely
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Press ReleaseIssued: 6 March 2017
HiiL offers up to 20,000 EUR plus business support for justice innovators
Innovators working on justice and legal issues worldwide can apply for up to 20,000 EUR in equity-freegrant money as part of the HiiL Justice Accelerator’s Innovating Justice Challenge.
LASPS Validate 5 modules of the upgraded IIMS
- 12 April 2017 -
- Laspnet
- Hits: 3314
The Integrated information Management System popularly known by legal aid service providers as IIMS has been continuously updated to make it more responsive and adaptive to the different needs of the members. On the 5th April 2017 selected LASPNET members met at Piato Restaurant in Kampala to validate the new functionalities/modules added onto the system which is already being utilized to ease case referral and reporting.
More Articles...
31 March , 2017
In a space of only three months, since January 2017, the rule of law in Uganda has faced tremendous questions and challenges bringing to the fore the impression that judicial independence is at a crossroads. The situation is graver when those expected to be the vanguards of justice contribute to its desecration, case in point being the interim injunction by Justice Steven Kavuma, the Deputy Chief Justice barring Parliament from deliberating on the peculiar award of sh6 b to 42 public officials for winning two tax disputes; against Heritage Oil and Gas and Tullow Uganda.
31 March , 2017
Access to justice is described as a fundamental right, as well as a key means to defend other rights. For justice to be real, it has to be available, affordable and accessible to all. Therefore, availability and accessibility of institutions (whether formal or informal) both in terms of facilities and human resource is crucial to empower the people to realize and protect their human rights as enshrined in the Constitution of Uganda and other international covenants such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966) to which Uganda is signatory.
03 February , 2017
2ND FEBRUARY 2017 On the morning of 2nd February 2017, the Premises of Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET), off Balintuma road in Mengo were broken into. Two laptops, one belonging to the Executive Director and four camcorders were stolen. A safe was also broken and money taken. The prime suspect, Simon Osire who was the security guard on duty abandoned the gun and his whereabouts remain unknown. This adds LASPNET to the list of over 28 CSOs broken into between 2013 and 2016.
10 November , 2016
9th November 2016Mengo, Kampala For Immediate Release LASPNET, a National network of 52 Legal Aid Service Providers in Uganda, in concerned about the alleged violation of workers' rights by a Flower farm called Royal Van Zanten and condemns the act of intimidation of Human Rights Defenders particularly FIDA-Uganda and others who are making efforts to offer support to the workers that were allegedly poisoned by the chemicals.