Justice and Rights Associates - JURIA
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- Hits: 4549
JURIA exists to affect policy and legislative reform and enhance access to justice for all through education, legal aid, advocacy, research and collaborative engagements with like minded partners.
Its Vision is A society where the rule of law is upheld and human rights of all are respected.
Justice Defenders (Formerly APP)
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- Hits: 1329
Vision: To empower changemakers within prisons - prisoners and prisoner staff – who will use the law to bring justice to some of the world’s most vulnerable, through our Justice Changemaker Programme.
Kamuli Community Based Paralegals Association - KCOBPA
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- Hits: 3137
KCOBPA's mission is To utilize the trained paralegals in delivering home made justice by effectively facilitating legal processes in the accepted legal mandate
Its vision is To sustain a local paralegal and volunteer scheme that effectively facilitates access to justice programmes in the community.
Land and Equity Movement in Uganda - LEMU
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- Hits: 6092
LEMU's mission is To strengthen security of equitable land rights for the well-being of vulnerable people in Uganda.
Its vision is A Ugandan society with land tenure security and equitable land rights to make land secure for all for equitable development.
Law & Advocacy for Women in Uganda (LAWU).
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- Hits: 1047
LAWU was established in 1997 by women lawyers brought together by their interest in women’s rights issues as well as their joint experience during their studies as participants of the Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) Project and the Women in Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program (WLPPFP).
Law and Governance Advocates Uganda - LGA-U
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- Hits: 4807
LGA-U envisions A society with requisite knowledge and information on national laws and policies.
Its mission is To create understanding of laws as and policies and legally empower communities through awareness raising
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities - LAPD
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- Hits: 18896
LAPD envisions A Uganda where Human Rights are actualised for persons with disabilities (PWDs).
The vision of LAPD focuses on being a powerful engine for human rights and legal action in Uganda that will contribute to a Uganda free of human rights abuse among persons with disabilities.
Legal Aid Clinic of the Law Development Center - LAC
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- Hits: 9389
LAC's mission is To Review, Restructure and Modernize Centre Programmes and Services.
Its vision is To be the centre for quality legal training and high academic and professional standards.
Legal Aid Project of the Uganda Law Society - LAP
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- Hits: 19915
LAP seeks to To improve the professional standards of its members and to promote respect for Human Rights, the Rule of Law and Access to Justice.
It envisions a Ugandan society where all Human Rights are respected, promoted and defended to ensure access to justice for all is a reality irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, and religion or socio-economic status.
- Laspnet
- Hits: 537
Legal Hub Uganda exists to enhance access to justice for all through the provision of innovative and client centered legal aid services.